Our products

Compressed air by Worthington Creyssensac

Our ambition is to offer compressed air solutions that ensure we are first in choice for our customers

Worthington Creyssensac is a world-renowed manufacturer of high performanced compressed air solutions for more than 80 years. Our commitment is based on permanent innovation, client satisfaction and human values. We offer high quality screw compressors, piston compressors, air treatment products and piping systems for a wide range of applications.

Because improvment never stops.

Worthington Creyssensac values

We care for our planet

Worthington Creyssensac cares for environment

Environmental commitment

Climate change requires a reaction, the world needs low-carbon solutions. As an engaged company,  we cannot stand by and do nothing. Worthington Creyssensac has decided to act through its technology. Indeed, we offer a responsible technology without neglecting the quality of the compressed air supplied.

We make every effort to satisfy our clients while acting on our environmental impact.  


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 We will reduce our emissions from
our own operations by 46% by 2030.

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We will reduce our emissions from up-and
downstream activities (outside of our operations) by 28% by 2030.

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As most of our emissions come from when our products are
in use, we will focus on increasing our products' energy-efficiency by 32%

We care for innovation


A modern and connected company for our customers productivity

Choosing Worthington Creyssensac is choosing a premium brand. We unite quality with innovatives technologies ! We offer our customers advanced technologies for even more efficiency !

Because improvment never stops.


Worthington Creyssensac's engineers working for innovation

We care for our employees

Life at Worthington Creyssensac

Life at Worthington Creyssensac

We care for our employees.  A healthy work environment matters. A positive work culture and tranings are primordial, it improves personnal well-being and self-confidence. We want our emplooyes to be well trained, fullfied and therefore, happy.

If you are looking for a new adventure, join us !


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